One of the things I dislike about the "get the look for under $###" features in the fashion magazines is that the dollar amount is for each piece. So if everything they show is under $500, as it is in this particular feature, and they show five things to get the look, you are out $2500. In other words, they are pitching this as them showing what women on a budget can buy, but that budget is still way beyond what anyone I know would regard as "affordable."
So I flip to the next page, and I see this:
And I'm like, holy crap, that little Chanel bag is under $500???
As you can see, Lucky couldn't manage to follow their own rules, which I find insulting to the reader. They had to put very expensive label in there somewhere, there was nothing else that would work. /sarcasm
The bag is 3x their maximum for the entire February issue, making this workout ensemble total up to $2095. Minus the bag, it's still $645, which is more than I'd spend on things I intend to sweat in.